Facets, Gallery of Fine Jewellery

This design is suitable for those who likes to look chic and sleek but yet classic.

Mon Mar 18 2013
This design is suitable for those who likes to look chic and sleek but yet classic.
Facets represents Stenzhorn, Amanda and Mauboussin - notable European brands as well as its very own Facets brand of jewellery.

Facets represents Stenzhorn, Amanda and Mauboussin - notable European brands as well as its very own Facets brand of jewellery.

The boutique is at the first floor of the Bangsar Shopping Centre
(BSC) and the gallery carries both fine and fashion jewellery as well as timepieces.

The boutique is at the first floor of the Bangsar Shopping Centre (BSC) and the gallery carries both fine and fashion jewellery as well as timepieces.

This collection exudes a feminine flair that complements women's native beauty,her classic curves, her wanton elegance and her seductive style.

This collection exudes a feminine flair that complements women's native beauty,her classic curves, her wanton elegance and her seductive style.

Creative designs that give wedding jewelry a modern touch, while maintaining its traditional essence.

Creative designs that give wedding jewelry a modern touch, while maintaining its traditional essence.

Many of the pieces in the collections are handcrafted and often considered expressions of contemporary art.

Many of the pieces in the collections are handcrafted and often considered expressions of contemporary art.

This design is suitable for those who likes to look chic and sleek but yet classic.

This design is suitable for those who likes to look chic and sleek but yet classic.

Mauboussin's watche, a designer timepiece with diamond, the perfect accessories for your wrist.

Mauboussin's watche, a designer timepiece with diamond, the perfect accessories for your wrist.

The inherent beauty of women has been a muse for the Amanda collection.

The inherent beauty of women has been a muse for the Amanda collection.

Inspired by the beautiful colours and creatures of nature.

Inspired by the beautiful colours and creatures of nature.

One of the favourite design among fine jewellery lovers.

One of the favourite design among fine jewellery lovers.

Some of the pieces, such as Stenzhorns animal shaped jewellery from its Wildlife collection, are inspired by nature.

Some of the pieces, such as Stenzhorns animal shaped jewellery from its Wildlife collection, are inspired by nature.

The Amanda collection consists of white diamonds in VVS and G colour and sparkling gems set in 18K gold designs.

The Amanda collection consists of white diamonds in VVS and G colour and sparkling gems set in 18K gold designs.

Every design will shine your exclusive personality.

Every design will shine your exclusive personality.

Suitable for those who likes to stand out and make statement with their diamond.

Suitable for those who likes to stand out and make statement with their diamond.

Crafted from diamonds and 18k gold , it's a collection that strikes the perfect balance between elegance and edge.

Crafted from diamonds and 18k gold , it's a collection that strikes the perfect balance between elegance and edge.

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