India-Kashmir Landslide

Kashmiri villagers walk near damaged houses following landslides due to heavy rainfall in the village of Laden at Chadoora some 40kms west of Srinagar on March 30, 2015. Landslides have buried at least 15 people in Indian Kashmir as hundreds fled their homes after heavy rain triggered flooding around the mountainous region. Police and witnesses said landslides had buried at least four houses in Chadoora, the worst hit area of the Himalayan region where hundreds were killed in devastating floods last September. AFP Photo/Tauseef MUSTAFA

Wed Apr 01 2015
Kashmiri villagers walk near damaged houses following landslides due to heavy rainfall in the village of Laden at Chadoora some 40kms west of Srinagar on March 30, 2015. Landslides have buried at least 15 people in Indian Kashmir as hundreds fled their homes after heavy rain triggered flooding around the mountainous region. Police and witnesses said landslides had buried at least four houses in Chadoora, the worst hit area of the Himalayan region where hundreds were killed in devastating floods last September. AFP Photo/Tauseef MUSTAFA
Kashmiri villagers walk near damaged houses following landslides due to heavy rainfall in the village of Laden at Chadoora some 40kms west of Srinagar on March 30, 2015. Landslides have buried at least 15 people in Indian Kashmir as hundreds fled their homes after heavy rain triggered flooding around the mountainous region. Police and witnesses said landslides had buried at least four houses in Chadoora, the worst hit area of the Himalayan region where hundreds were killed in devastating floods last September. AFP Photo/Tauseef MUSTAFA

Kashmiri villagers walk near damaged houses following landslides due to heavy rainfall in the village of Laden at Chadoora some 40kms west of Srinagar on March 30, 2015. Landslides have buried at least 15 people in Indian Kashmir as hundreds fled their homes after heavy rain triggered flooding around the mountainous region. Police and witnesses said landslides had buried at least four houses in Chadoora, the worst hit area of the Himalayan region where hundreds were killed in devastating floods last September. AFP Photo/Tauseef MUSTAFA

Kashmiri villagers and officials search for bodies following landslides due to heavy rainfall in the village of Laden at Chadoora some 40kms west of Srinagar on March 30, 2015. AFP PHOTO/Tauseef MUSTAFA

Kashmiri villagers and officials search for bodies following landslides due to heavy rainfall in the village of Laden at Chadoora some 40kms west of Srinagar on March 30, 2015. AFP PHOTO/Tauseef MUSTAFA

A Kashmiri villager walks near an injured horse close to a damaged house following landslides due to heavy rainfall in the village of Laden at Chadoora some 40kms west of Srinagar on March 30, 2015. Local media said the main highway had been closed, while schools were shut for the day and both school and university exams cancelled. AFP PHOTO/Tauseef MUSTAFA

A Kashmiri villager walks near an injured horse close to a damaged house following landslides due to heavy rainfall in the village of Laden at Chadoora some 40kms west of Srinagar on March 30, 2015. Local media said the main highway had been closed, while schools were shut for the day and both school and university exams cancelled. AFP PHOTO/Tauseef MUSTAFA

Kashmiri villagers and officials carry a dead body following landslides due to heavy rainfall in the village of Laden near Chadoora some 40km west of Srinagar on March 30, 2015. A flood alert was issued early Monday after the river swelled to dangerously high levels. AFP PHOTO

Kashmiri villagers and officials carry a dead body following landslides due to heavy rainfall in the village of Laden near Chadoora some 40km west of Srinagar on March 30, 2015. A flood alert was issued early Monday after the river swelled to dangerously high levels. AFP PHOTO

Relatives of landslide victims mourn during a funeral in the village of Laden at Chadoora some 40kms west of Srinagar on March 31, 2015. Police said 237 families had been evacuated, most of them from Chadoora, around 15 kilometres (10 miles) west of the main city of Srinagar. AFP PHOTO/Tauseef MUSTAFA

Relatives of landslide victims mourn during a funeral in the village of Laden at Chadoora some 40kms west of Srinagar on March 31, 2015. Police said 237 families had been evacuated, most of them from Chadoora, around 15 kilometres (10 miles) west of the main city of Srinagar. AFP PHOTO/Tauseef MUSTAFA

Kashmiri villagers carry the body of a landslide victim during a funeral in the village of Laden at Chadoora some 40kms west of Srinagar on March 31, 2015. With more rain forecast for the next few days, authorities set up relief camps in Srinagar and issued an alert asking people living near the river Jhelum to move to safer areas. AFP PHOTO/Tauseef MUSTAFA

Kashmiri villagers carry the body of a landslide victim during a funeral in the village of Laden at Chadoora some 40kms west of Srinagar on March 31, 2015. With more rain forecast for the next few days, authorities set up relief camps in Srinagar and issued an alert asking people living near the river Jhelum to move to safer areas. AFP PHOTO/Tauseef MUSTAFA

A relative of a landslide victim mourns during a funeral in the village of Laden at Chadoora some 40kms west of Srinagar on March 31, 2015. Emergency workers in Indian Kashmir have recovered 15 bodies including that of a three-week-old baby after a landslide triggered by heavy rains buried several houses. AFP PHOTO/Tauseef MUSTAFA

A relative of a landslide victim mourns during a funeral in the village of Laden at Chadoora some 40kms west of Srinagar on March 31, 2015. Emergency workers in Indian Kashmir have recovered 15 bodies including that of a three-week-old baby after a landslide triggered by heavy rains buried several houses. AFP PHOTO/Tauseef MUSTAFA

Relatives of landslide victims mourn during a funeral in the village of Laden at Chadoora some 40kms west of Srinagar on March 31, 2015. Local media said the main highway had been closed, while schools were shut for the day and both school and university exams cancelled. AFP PHOTO/Tauseef MUSTAFA

Relatives of landslide victims mourn during a funeral in the village of Laden at Chadoora some 40kms west of Srinagar on March 31, 2015. Local media said the main highway had been closed, while schools were shut for the day and both school and university exams cancelled. AFP PHOTO/Tauseef MUSTAFA

Relatives of landslide victims mourn during a funeral in the village of Laden at Chadoora some 40kms west of Srinagar on March 21, 2015. Emergency workers in Indian Kashmir have recovered 15 bodies including that of a three-week-old baby after a landslide triggered by heavy rains buried several houses. The baby was found in his mother's lap under tons of mud, police said, as the grim task of searching for bodies continued. AFP PHOTO/Tauseef MUSTAFA

Relatives of landslide victims mourn during a funeral in the village of Laden at Chadoora some 40kms west of Srinagar on March 21, 2015. Emergency workers in Indian Kashmir have recovered 15 bodies including that of a three-week-old baby after a landslide triggered by heavy rains buried several houses. The baby was found in his mother's lap under tons of mud, police said, as the grim task of searching for bodies continued. AFP PHOTO/Tauseef MUSTAFA

Israel tidak mahu gencatan senjata, takut hilang kelebihan dalam rundingan dengan Hamas - Penganalisis

Israel tidak mahu gencatan senjata, takut hilang kelebihan dalam rundingan dengan Hamas - Penganalisis

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Lindung kilang haram, SPRM beku 61 akaun bank

Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) membekukan 61 akaun bank yang dikaitkan dengan operasi sisa elektronik haram dalam Op Hazard, baru-baru ini.

Timbalan Ketua Pesuruhjaya (Operasi) SPRM, Datuk Seri Ahmad Khusairi Yahaya, berkata pembekuan itu membabitkan kira-kira RM15 juta.
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Wang tunai RM170 juta, jongkong emas ditemui dalam peti besi

Wang tunai berjumlah RM170 juta dengan pelbagai mata wang asing dan 16 kilogram jongkong emas bernilai kira-kira RM7 juta ditemui di sebuah kondominium yang dijadikan 'safe house' oleh pembantu bekas Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

Ketua Pesuruhjaya Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) Tan Sri Azam Baki berkata, kesemua barang rampasan itu ditemui dalam tiga peti besi di kediaman yang disewa.