A Day at the Parliament
The Malaysian Houses of Parliament, located in Kuala Lumpur, is the venue where the Malaysian Parliament assembles.
Fri Apr 04 2014
The Malaysian Houses of Parliament, located in the national capital city of Kuala Lumpur, is the venue where the Malaysian Parliament assembles. Many proposed act of law and interesting debates take place in this very building, year in, year out - Astro AWANI/SHAHIR OMAR
The statue of the first Malaysian Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman adorns the entrance of the Parliament building, reminding every single Malaysian who passes through that way, of the country's great legacy. - Astro AWANI/SHAHIR OMAR
A journalist is seen listening intently to the ongoing debate in the Parliament, smiling in amusement from time to time at the Member of Parliament's antics. -Astro AWANI/SHAHIR OMAR
Media personnel sitting around the single television which telecasts the Parliamentary debate proceedings live, while listening and typing out the essential points presented. - Astro AWANI/SHAHIR OMAR
Video cameras are seen crowding the single television which telecasts the Parliamentary debates live to get the best footages. -Astro AWANI/SHAHIR OMAR
Pandan MP (L)Rafizi Ramli and Sepang MP (R), Hanifah Maidin are seen leaving the Parliament building after the former heatedly debated the GST issue. -Astro AWANI/SHAHIR OMAR
Elected representatives are seen leaving the Parliament building during lunch time. The debate session usually resumes after lunch at 2.30pm. -Astro AWAI/SHAHIR OMAR
Pasir Salak MP Tajuddin Abdul Rahman is seen leaving the Parliament session during lunch break at the Parliament building in Kuala Lumpur. -Astro AWANI/SHAHIR OMAR
Gelang Patah MP Lim Kit Siang speaking to journalists during a press conference at Parliament building lobby in Kuala Lumpur. -Astro AWANI/SHAHIR OMAR
A police officer guarding the entrance of Dewan Rakyat and Dewan Negara. As a securitu measure, police officers guarding the entrance also screen visitors' bags. -Astro AWANI/SHAHIR OMAR
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