The Junk Bookstore at Jalan Tun H.S Lee

A customer searching the books in Chinese section at The Junkbookstore - ASTRO AWANI / SHAHIR OMAR

Thu Apr 10 2014
A customer searching the books in Chinese section at The Junkbookstore - ASTRO AWANI / SHAHIR OMAR
Bookstore worker checking quality a book before to sold for customer - ASTRO AWANI / SHAHIR OMAR

Bookstore worker checking quality a book before to sold for customer - ASTRO AWANI / SHAHIR OMAR

A customer searching the books in Chinese section at The Junkbookstore - ASTRO AWANI / SHAHIR OMAR

A customer searching the books in Chinese section at The Junkbookstore - ASTRO AWANI / SHAHIR OMAR

A man searching the Old Gramophone Records at the shop - ASTRO AWANI / SHAHIR OMAR

A man searching the Old Gramophone Records at the shop - ASTRO AWANI / SHAHIR OMAR

A worker enjoying his lunch at The Junkbookstore - ASTRO AWANI / SHAHIR OMAR

A worker enjoying his lunch at The Junkbookstore - ASTRO AWANI / SHAHIR OMAR

Picture of elder sister 4th Prime Minister, Tun Mahathir Mohamad, Rafeah binti Mohamad  at The Junkbookstore - ASTRO AWANI / SHAHIR OMAR

Picture of elder sister 4th Prime Minister, Tun Mahathir Mohamad, Rafeah binti Mohamad at The Junkbookstore - ASTRO AWANI / SHAHIR OMAR

The book collection at Junk is an exemplary relic of the literature past. There are out-of-print books, first editions, books on military history and autobiographies as well as Archie comics and Rolling Stones magazines from 20 years ago - ASTRO AWANI / SHAHIR OMAR

The book collection at Junk is an exemplary relic of the literature past. There are out-of-print books, first editions, books on military history and autobiographies as well as Archie comics and Rolling Stones magazines from 20 years ago - ASTRO AWANI / SHAHIR OMAR

Customers searching books at The Junkbookstore, there has more than 100 section in a shop - ASTRO AWANI / SHAHIR OMAR

Customers searching books at The Junkbookstore, there has more than 100 section in a shop - ASTRO AWANI / SHAHIR OMAR

There has more than 100 section in a shop and the collection is an exemplary relic of the literature past - ASTRO AWANI / SHAHIR OMAR

There has more than 100 section in a shop and the collection is an exemplary relic of the literature past - ASTRO AWANI / SHAHIR OMAR

Coustemer searching books at The Junkbookstore. The shop was started in 1996 - ASTRO AWANI / SHAHIR OMAR

Coustemer searching books at The Junkbookstore. The shop was started in 1996 - ASTRO AWANI / SHAHIR OMAR

Bookstore worker shows one of the cutting paper to phtographer at The Junkbookstore in Jalan Tun HS lee Kuala Lumpur.The Junk Book Store has in total about more 60,000 second hand books,magazines and Old Gramophone Records - ASTRO AWANI / SHAHIR OMAR

Bookstore worker shows one of the cutting paper to phtographer at The Junkbookstore in Jalan Tun HS lee Kuala Lumpur.The Junk Book Store has in total about more 60,000 second hand books,magazines and Old Gramophone Records - ASTRO AWANI / SHAHIR OMAR

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