Carian mengenai topik home-quarantine

Dapatkan berita terkini mengenai home-quarantine dari Astro Awani

Australia to end mandatory home isolation for COVID patients

Australia to end mandatory home isolation for COVID patients

Australia began living with the virus from early this year through a staggered easing of curbs.
Fri Sep 30 2022
#KiniNews: MOH officials were in the dark over Khairuddin’s quarantine breach

#KiniNews: MOH officials were in the dark over Khairuddin’s quarantine breach

Health director-general Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said top ministry officials were in the dark about Plantation Industries and Commodities Minister Mohd Khairuddin Aman Razali's violation of home quarantine rules until last week.

An internal investigation into the series of events following the minister’s July 7 return from Turkey has since been completed and shared with the police, who are probing the issue.

Asked during a press conference this evening, Noor Hisham shared that he, along with the ministry’s deputy director-general and head of infectious diseases, were not informed about the matter until it made the news.
Sun Mar 20 2022
#KiniNews: Patient celebrated Raya before revealing link to active cluster

#KiniNews: Patient celebrated Raya before revealing link to active cluster

The list of Covid-19 standard operating protocol (SOP) violations that gave rise to the number of cases from the Sivagangga cluster and forced parts of Kedah to go into a partial lockdown continues to grow.

This time, with a Malaysian participating in Hari Raya Aidiladha activities before revealing his link to the cluster.

Health Ministry Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said the person made up one of two new Covid-19 cases recorded today.

The person was a patron at a restaurant owned by the index case of the Sivagangga cluster, who returned from India on July 13 but did not comply with a home quarantine order and spent time at his restaurant. The Sivagangga cluster was discovered on July 28.
Sun Mar 20 2022
#KiniNews: No more home quarantine as Covid-19 cases rise

#KiniNews: No more home quarantine as Covid-19 cases rise

Returning Malaysians and non-citizens permitted to enter the country will once more be made to undergo mandatory two-week quarantine at specified quarantine centres from Friday, July 24.

Senior Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob today said the government has decided to revoke the allowance for those entering the country to self-quarantine at home.

Speaking during his press briefing in Putrajaya today, the defence minister said the uptick in global Covid-19 cases over the past few days contributed to the increase in the number of domestic cases as Malaysians returned from abroad.
Sat Mar 19 2022
Postpone umrah: Those who have made arrangements will be refunded on travel rescheduled -  Khairy

Postpone umrah: Those who have made arrangements will be refunded on travel rescheduled - Khairy

The authorities were concerned about non-compliance with home quarantine procedures among returning pilgrims.
Sat Jan 01 2022
Temporary suspension of umrah travel from Jan 8 over Omicron concerns - Khairy

Temporary suspension of umrah travel from Jan 8 over Omicron concerns - Khairy

There are concerns that non-compliance with home quarantine procedures among returning pilgrims had caused the spread of the new variant.
Sat Jan 01 2022
Australia to ease international border restrictions from November

Australia to ease international border restrictions from November

Morrison said he expects the first home quarantine systems to be up and running in November.
Fri Oct 01 2021
IP on Lim's alleged violation of home-quarantine order submitted to prosecution office - Police

IP on Lim's alleged violation of home-quarantine order submitted to prosecution office - Police

Mohd Shuhaily said statements were recorded from 11 people, including Lim, to facilitate investigation of the case.
Thu Sep 30 2021
HQA: 5,947 travellers from abroad apply for home quarantine since a week ago - Health  DG

HQA: 5,947 travellers from abroad apply for home quarantine since a week ago - Health DG

A total of 5,947 travellers arriving from abroad have applied for quarantine at home through the Home Quarantine Application (HQA) portal since it was launched on Sept 20.
Tue Sep 28 2021
5,947 individu mohon kuarantin di rumah sejak seminggu lalu - KP Kesihatan

5,947 individu mohon kuarantin di rumah sejak seminggu lalu - KP Kesihatan

Sejak seminggu dilancarkan, portal HQA telah menerima sebanyak 4,883 permohonan lengkap.
Tue Sep 28 2021
Portal HQA pengembara kuarantin di rumah boleh diakses mulai esok

Portal HQA pengembara kuarantin di rumah boleh diakses mulai esok

Permohonan kuarantin wajib di rumah atau tempat kediaman melalui Portal Home Quarantine Application (HQA) dibuka, bermula Selasa (21 Sept, 2021).
Mon Sep 20 2021
Daily Dose @ 5: Pahang teens to receive COVID-19 vaccination, Australia to trial home quarantine for vaccinated travellers

Daily Dose @ 5: Pahang teens to receive COVID-19 vaccination, Australia to trial home quarantine for vaccinated travellers

A rundown of the most important stories you need to know for the day, from the newsroom of Astro AWANI.
Fri Sep 17 2021
Sydney pilots home quarantine as Australia looks to reopen border

Sydney pilots home quarantine as Australia looks to reopen border

Sydney will trial the seven-day home quarantine program later this month.
Fri Sep 17 2021
COVID-19: Home quarantine patients need to monitor for happy hypoxia

COVID-19: Home quarantine patients need to monitor for happy hypoxia

Happy hypoxia is a condition when blood oxygen level dropped below 95 per cent but the patient was unaware as they can breathe normally.
Wed Jul 28 2021
Penang CM undergoes home quarantine

Penang CM undergoes home quarantine

Chow Kon Yeow is undergoing home quarantine after an escort officer tested positive for COVID-19.
Sun Jul 25 2021
Hanya sebab tutup suis televisyen suspek mengamuk bunuh ibu

Hanya sebab tutup suis televisyen suspek mengamuk bunuh ibu

Lelaki OKU mental berkemungkinan mengamuk selepas ibunya yang berusia 68 tahun dikatakan menutup suis televisyen dan memintanya makan ubat penenang.

Mon Mar 03 2025
JPM lokasi pertama Program Ihya’ Ramadan dihadiri PM

JPM lokasi pertama Program Ihya’ Ramadan dihadiri PM

Perdana Menteri meluangkan masa kira-kira sejam mengikuti tazkirah yang disampaikan mufti wilayah persekutuan prof madya dr luqman abdullah bertajuk puasa dan hikmah madani: keseimbangan material dan spiritual, bersama kira-kira 400 warga JPM.
Mon Mar 03 2025
Posisi Malaysia sebagai teraju teknologi serantau

Posisi Malaysia sebagai teraju teknologi serantau

Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2025, acara kesalinghubungan, teknologi dan inovasi terbesar serta paling berpengaruh di dunia membuka tirai hari ini.
Mon Mar 03 2025
Kerajaan komited kurangkan defisit fiskal 3.8 peratus tahun ini - Amir Hamzah

Kerajaan komited kurangkan defisit fiskal 3.8 peratus tahun ini - Amir Hamzah

Ia sejajar dengan komitmen utama kerajaan MADANI untuk mengurangkan kadar defisit secara berperingkat dan konsisten.
Mon Mar 03 2025
Agenda AWANI: Dihimpit sekatan, ini Ramadan di Gaza

Agenda AWANI: Dihimpit sekatan, ini Ramadan di Gaza

Rundingan bagi fasa kedua gencatan senjata Hamas-Israel menemui jalan buntu dengan terbaharu sekatan terhadap bantuan kemanusiaan menambahkan lagi cabaran buat usaha membina semula Gaza apatah lagi umat Islam ketika ini menjalani ibadah puasa di bulan Ramadan? Diskusi 8.30 malam
Mon Mar 03 2025
Lindung kilang haram, SPRM beku 61 akaun bank

Lindung kilang haram, SPRM beku 61 akaun bank

Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) membekukan 61 akaun bank yang dikaitkan dengan operasi sisa elektronik haram dalam Op Hazard, baru-baru ini.

Timbalan Ketua Pesuruhjaya (Operasi) SPRM, Datuk Seri Ahmad Khusairi Yahaya, berkata pembekuan itu membabitkan kira-kira RM15 juta.
Mon Mar 03 2025
Wang tunai RM170 juta, jongkong emas ditemui dalam peti besi

Wang tunai RM170 juta, jongkong emas ditemui dalam peti besi

Wang tunai berjumlah RM170 juta dengan pelbagai mata wang asing dan 16 kilogram jongkong emas bernilai kira-kira RM7 juta ditemui di sebuah kondominium yang dijadikan 'safe house' oleh pembantu bekas Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

Ketua Pesuruhjaya Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) Tan Sri Azam Baki berkata, kesemua barang rampasan itu ditemui dalam tiga peti besi di kediaman yang disewa.

Mon Mar 03 2025
KKR lulus RM47.45 juta baik pulih Jalan Persekutuan  di Kota Marudu, Kota Belud dan Kudat

KKR lulus RM47.45 juta baik pulih Jalan Persekutuan di Kota Marudu, Kota Belud dan Kudat

Kementerian Kerja Raya telah meluluskan 16 arahan kerja bernilai RM47.45 juta, bagi membaik pulih Jalan Persekutuan di Kota Marudu, Kota Belud dan Kudat yang mengalami kerosakan teruk.
Mon Mar 03 2025
Kerajaan cadang peluasan fungsi sistem eCOSS

Kerajaan cadang peluasan fungsi sistem eCOSS

Sistem Skim Penstabilan Harga Minyak Masak (eCOSS) perlu dibentangkan kepada Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Parlimen bagi mendapatkan pandangan yang lebih mendalam

menteri perdagangan dalam negeri dan kos sara hidup, datuk armizan mohd ali berkata, selepas itu baru ia akan dibawa kepada Jemaah Menteri untuk kelulusan..
Mon Mar 03 2025
Ugutan tidak terbit artikel satu rasuah - SPRM

Ugutan tidak terbit artikel satu rasuah - SPRM

Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) akan menyerahkan kepada Timbalan Pendakwa Raya (TPR) menilai kes seorang wartawan portalberita yang ditahan kerana didakwa meminta rasuah RM20,000 daripada seorang ejen pekerja asing.

Ketua Pesuruhjaya SPRM, Tan Sri Azam Baki, berkata pihaknya sedang melengkapkan siasatan berhubung kes berkenaan.
Mon Mar 03 2025